
December 2023 Message from the President

Dec 12, 2023, 00:00 AM by Dr. Jörg Steiner

Message from the president

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season and the time spent with loved ones. As we prepare to say goodbye to 2023, and as I prepare to transition into the role of Board Chair, I would like to first thank those Board members who are also changing roles or whose terms are ending this year.

  • Dr. Jane Sykes is moving into the role of Immediate Past-Chair.
  • Dr. Sarah Gillings is moving into the role of President.
  • Dr. Sandy Taylor will step into the role of LAIM President.
  • Dr. Joan Coates, Dr. Karyn Harrell, Dr. Harold McKenzie, Dr. Steve Rosenthal, and Dr. Chris Sanchez will be leaving the Board as their terms will come to an end.

Thank you to all past and present Board members for your selfless commitment and dedication to the ACVIM, to our profession, and to the clients we serve.

I would also like to take a moment to welcome those members joining the Board in 2024:

  • Dr. Henry W. Green, ACVIM President-elect
  • Dr. Joshua Stern, Cardiology President
  • Dr. Sheila Carrera-Justiz, Neurology President
  • Dr. Brent Credille, Member At-Large
  • Dr. Tracy Hill, Member At-Large

Welcome, all! We are excited to work with you in the coming year.


Our 50th anniversary year was filled with exceptional growth and progress for our organization. You can expect a detailed summary of this year in the 2023 Annual Report, which will be published in February 2024, but I would like to touch on some highlights.

  • The 2023 ACVIM Forum was held in person in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in June and available virtually, with over 4,090 people in attendance from around the world. This year also marked our 40th ACVIM Forum, and what an amazing conference it was, thanks to our wonderful staff, our exceptional speakers, and the many volunteers that put together such an incredible program – thanks to all of you!
  • Seven ACE courses were held throughout the year, as well as additional non-ACE webinars, providing advanced learning opportunities for Diplomates and Candidates.
  • We welcomed 222 new Diplomates in the Class of 2023, putting our total number of active members at approximately 3,724.
  • We developed a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Blueprint, which will guide the work of the DEI Committee next year and beyond as we progress toward a more equitable and inclusive future.
  • New exams were developed after a long and intensive process and will start being administered to Candidates early next year.

These are just a few of the achievements made by our incredible volunteer-led committees, comprised of dedicated Diplomates, and of course the hardworking ACVIM staff. On behalf of the Board of Regents, allow me to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those individuals who contributed to the ACVIM’s various initiatives this year. Your time and commitment allow us to stay true to our mission of being the trusted leader in veterinary education, discovery and medical excellence. Here’s to the next 50 years!


ACVIM President

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