
Once in an approved residency training program (RTP), residents must register with the ACVIM within 90 days of beginning their RTP (e.g., by October 1 for programs beginning on July 1). The purpose of registration is to ensure that a candidate embarks on a training program that conforms to the requirements of the specialty in which he or she wishes to become certified. Failure to register, or registration after the 90-day deadline, may jeopardize the resident's certification process, as some of the training program may not be recognized or accepted. In 2016 a program of Maintenance of Credentials (MOC) will become effective for new Diplomates. Please see section D.5.c of the General Information Guide (GIG) for additional information.

Online Candidate Registration Form*
(The same registration form is used for all specialty areas.)

If you are a candidate who wishes to relocate to a new residency training program, please contact for directions and DO NOT register online.

If you are already an ACVIM candidate, please log in to access the candidate dashboard.
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ACVIM Candidates: By the Numbers

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