ACVIM Forum 2024

Speaker Resources

Welcome to the Speaker Resource Center

Congratulations on speaking at the 2024 ACVIM Forum!

Here you will find helpful resources, tips and tools to keep in mind throughout the planning process.

The term "speakers" also pertains to Panelists and Research Abstract presenters. All speakers will find their speaker contract items inside the CadmiumCD speaker portal system. Each speaker will be provided login information to access the information required for their speaking engagement at the 2024 ACVIM Forum.


Powerpoint presentation template slides


The ACVIM is proud to partner with the Purina Institute in providing awards for the best resident research abstracts for eligible ACVIM Candidates. Winners will be announced and recognized onstage Friday, June 7, at the ACVIM Awards Luncheon, please include this event in your schedule. Resident Research Abstract Award winners receive a $1500 cash award and $1500 in travel to attend next year’s ACVIM Forum.

Sponsored by   Purina Institute: Advancing Science for Pet Health

Research Abstract presenters, both oral and poster, have been notified of their acceptance to the 2024 ACVIM Forum program, including their delivery method and access to their Speaker Portal. 

Speaker at podium talking

Oral Presentations

Oral research abstract presenters are scheduled throughout the ACVIM Forum and Specialty Symposium Day, June 5-8, 2024. Presentations are 15 minutes in length with 12 minutes allotted for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. All presentations will be monitored with a speaker timer. 

split photo of an eposter presenter and a physical poster presenter

Poster Presentations

All accepted poster presenters are required to submit a digital ePoster. Additionally, every poster presenter have dedicated time scheduled throughout the ACVIM Forum where they are expected to be available for Q&A. 

New #betterposter Format

Following learning pedagogy, the ACVIM recommends shifting the traditional poster format to #betterposter as shown in the poster templates. This new format promotes engagement and communicates findings quickly and effectively. Additional resources provided below to learn more:

Additional detailed information can be found in the Guideline documents accessible above. For any further questions, please contact

Tips for an Effective Presentation

Best Practices
  • Less is more - Your slides should contain a minimum amount of information; your slide notes, on the other hand, will contain far more content. Uploaded resources will have the most content and detail.
  • Avoid PowerPointsless - Create slides that are complementary to your remarks, not identical. Use slides as a canvas for visual representations, graphics and photos and avoid simply "echoing" your slides in your talk.
  • Keep it simple - Focus on one idea per slide and remember that the number of information chunks we can recall at a time is "Seven, Plus, or Minus Two." Assemble your presentation slide in seven chunks, plus or minus two.
  • Extend the conversation - It's OK to include "information" slides with resources and the like, but don't spend time presenting that content. Upload additional resources to your session or create a handout.
  • Practice, practice, practice - There is no substitute for advance preparation. Practice your presentation before your colleagues and review your session description to ensure that your presentation mirrors what has been promoted.

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